
PowerShell Is A Cross-Platform Scripting Language - Perfect For Creating Tools And Custom Commands

PowerShell is a modern scripting language available cross-platform for Windows, Linux, MacOS and many other operating systems.

Installing PowerShell

On Windows, you do not necessarily need to install PowerShell: Windows PowerShell is part of the operating system: press Win+R to open the Run dialog.

Enter powershell and press ENTER. A blue console window opens and is labeled Windows PowerShell. This is your built-in Windows PowerShell. It runs PowerShell version 5.1.

PowerShell 7: Cross Platform

On other operating systems (and also on Windows if you want to use the latest PowerShell version), visit PowerShell Releases.

Scroll down until you see the item Assets. Click to expand.

This opens a list of ready-to-download installation binaries, available for many operating systems and in many formats (tar.gz, zip, msi, pkg).

Make sure you select the appropriate operating system. For Windows, this would be the suffix win-x64.

When you download an archive format such as tar.gz or zip, you can use PowerShell as a portable app. Here is how:

  1. Download the appropriate archive file
  2. Unblock the downloaded file before you unpack it: in Windows, right-click the downloaded archive file, choose Properties, then check Unblock.
  3. Open the folder with the unpacked files, and launch pwsh.exe

The cross-platform PowerShell displays as a black console.

PowerShell is actively developed: its versions increment rapidly. Version 7.4.0 as depicted above is probably long outdated and replaced by a higher version number when you read this.

Install DoneLandTools

It’s extremely simple to add new Done.Land PowerShell commands to your PowerShell: the module DoneLandTools is available for installation from the Microsoft PowerShellGallery.

PowerShell comes with a basic set of general-purpose commands. You extend them for your specific needs and use cases by adding additional modules that provide more specific commands.

To download and use the DoneLandTools, run this line:

Install-Module -Name DoneLandTools -Scope CurrentUser -Force

The switch -Force omits confirmation dialogs. If you’d rather see them, omit -Force. Modules are downloaded from the Microsoft PowerShell Gallery. Since this is a public place, and Microsoft is not taking responsibility for any materials you download from there, you need to confirm your choice.

Module Installation Fails

Should the above command be unable to download the module, check these items:

  • Internet: obviously you need to have internet access. Try visiting the PowerShell Gallery directly.
  • Permissions: within company networks, access to the gallery may be restricted.
  • Conflicts: when an existing module added commands with the same name as commands in DoneLandTools, a name conflict would occur, and the new module cannot be installed. Either remove the conflicting module that is already present, or add the switch parameter -AllowClobber to install the DoneLandTools module anyway.
  • Outdated: Windows PowerShell may use outdated libraries. Try updating them using this command: Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Scope CurrentUser -Force

DoneLand Commands

To see the new PowerShell commands the DoneLandTools module provides, run this:

Get-Command -Module DoneLandTools
CommandType Name                      Version Source
----------- ----                      ------- ------
Function    Get-LedResistor           1.0.0   donelandtools
Function    Get-LedStripFramerateInfo 1.0.0   donelandtools
Function    Show-Fat32Converter       1.0.0   donelandtools

The PowerShell module DoneLandTools is a work in progress. When you download and use it, it may contain more then the functions showed here. To check for updates and always use the latest version, you may want to occasionally run Update-Module -Name DoneLandTools.

Exploring New Commands

All commands come with help. To i.e. find out what Get-LedStripFramerateInfo can do for you, run the command like this:

 Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -?

    Calculates the maximum frame rate possible for a LED strip or the maximum LED that can be used for a desired frame

    Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -Framerate <Int32> [-LedPerMeter <Int32>] [-ResetTimeMicroSec <Int32>]
    [-IncludeWhiteLed] [-DataRateKhz <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

    Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -LedPerMeter <Int32> [-ResetTimeMicroSec <Int32>] [-IncludeWhiteLed] [-DataRateKhz
    <Int32>] -StripLengthCm <Double> [<CommonParameters>]

    Get-LedStripFramerateInfo [-ResetTimeMicroSec <Int32>] [-IncludeWhiteLed] [-DataRateKhz <Int32>] -TotalLedCount
    <Int32> [<CommonParameters>]

    In WS2182B and similar strings of LED, the one-wire data line has a maximum data transmission rate.
    This command can calculate two things:
    - given the number of LED (or the length and type of LED string), it calculates the maximum possible frame rate
    - given the framerate, it calculates the maximum possible number of LED that you can string together

    URLs to related sites
    The first link is opened by Get-Help -Online Get-LedStripInfo

    To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -full".
    For online help, type: "get-help Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -online"

This is the complete but sometimes overwhelming help information.

At the bottom of the help text in the section Remarks, you find additional ways of retrieving specific help information that may be more suitable for you. Run help Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -Online to open this page in your browser.

Practical Examples

Much more fun are examples that show distinct use cases on how to actually run the command. Run this to get the examples for a command:

Get-Help Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -Examples

Now you get a list of fun examples that you can try:


    Calculates the maximum frame rate possible for a LED strip or the maximum LED that can be used for a desired frame

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

    PS C:\>Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -TotalLedCount 100

    Calculates the maximum framerate achievable for 100 RGB LEDs in a string:

    LedCount Type Framerate DataTime (us)
    -------- ---- --------- -------------
         100 RGB        305       0.00328

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

    PS C:\>Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -TotalLedCount 100 -IncludeWhiteLed

    Calculates the maximum framerate achievable for 100 RGBW LEDs in a string (including separate white, 32 instead of 24 bit):

    LedCount Type Framerate DataTime (us)
    -------- ---- --------- -------------
         100 RGBW       234       0.00428

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

    PS C:\>60,90,120,144 | Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -StripLengthCm 150

    Calculates the maximum framerates for a strip of 150cm length and different LED/m:

    LedCount Type Framerate DataTime (us)
    -------- ---- --------- -------------
      90     RGB  336       0.00298
     135     RGB  231       0.00433
     180     RGB  176       0.00568
     216     RGB  148       0.00676

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

    PS C:\>Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -Framerate 60

    Determines the maximum number of LED that can be used to achieve a 60Hz frame rate:

    LedCount Type StripType StripLengthCm
    -------- ---- --------- -------------
         546 RGB  n/a       n/a

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------

    PS C:\>Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -Framerate 30 -LedPerMeter 144

    Determines the maximum length for a LED strip using 144 LED/m to achieve a 30Hz frame rate:

    LedCount Type StripType StripLengthCm
    -------- ---- --------- -------------
        1102 RGB  144LED/m          765.3

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------

    PS C:\>200,100,60,30,15 | Get-LedStripFramerateInfo -LedPerMeter 144

    Calculates the maximum length of a 144LED/m LED strip for various frame rates:

    LedCount Type StripType StripLengthCm
    -------- ---- --------- -------------
         157 RGB  144LED/m            109
         324 RGB  144LED/m            225
         546 RGB  144LED/m          379.2
        1102 RGB  144LED/m          765.3
        2213 RGB  144LED/m         1536.8


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(content created Mar 21, 2024)