General Purpose Input Output (GPIO)

GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output) pins enable microcontrollers to interact with the outside world. GPIOs are among the most important microcontroller features, and the number of available GPIOs may be an important consideration when selecting a microcontroller board.

Both board and type of microcontroller together determine the number of GPIOs that you can use: some boards expose only some of the GPIOs in exchange for a smaller board footprint.

Available GPIOs

Not every header pin exposed by a microcontroller board is a GPIO, and not every GPIO may be used by you.

Power Supply

Some pins handle power and are no GPIOs in the first place:

  • GND connects to ground
  • 3V3 provdes access to the regulated voltage that is also powering the microcontroller
  • VBUS/5V provides access to the raw input voltage.

Special Functions

There may be some specialty pins exposed, i.e. EN which can be used to put the microcontroller in various deep sleep modes, or RESET, which resets the microcontroller.

Reserved GPIOs

The remaining pins typically are all GPIOs. However you still can’t just pick one of these remaining GPIOs. Some of them may be used for internal purposes:

  • Strapping: GPIOs may play a crucial role during booting. They can be used freely after booting has completed but are off-limits before. Else, your microcontroller may not boot correctly or expose unexpected behavior.
  • Flash: Some microcontrollers use external flash memory (which is integrated into the microcontroller module but still not part of its silicon). Since this memory is treated like an external component, some GPIOs are required to communicate with it. These GPIOs are permanently off-limits for you.

Pin Labels

Beginners are easily confused by GPIO pin labels:

Source code may refer to GPIOs by labels that start with D (i.e. D4), or A (i.e. A1). Then again, some other source code may use raw numbers, or labels like GPIO plus a number (i.e. 4, or GPIO4).

D4 and GPIO4 are not the same thing. D4 can point to any GPIO number and depends on the board you are using.

Here is what the pin designators mean:

  • 4 (raw number): these designate the hardware pin numbers of a particular microcontroller
  • GPIO4: same as pure numbers. GPIO4 and 4 both refer to pin 4 on a microcontroller
  • D4: arbitrary definition by a board manufacturer. Your IDE (programming editor) translates this label to the real hardware pin number at compile time. The real number depends on the physical board and microcontroller type you are using.

Hardware-Neutral Code

The different pin label notations determine whether your code is hardware-neutral, or tied to a particular microcontroller type:

  • Hardware-Specific: raw pin numbers are hardware-specific and apply only to a given microcontroller type. GPIO4 or pin 4 would always refer to the same pin on any ESP32 board, but pin 4 could serve a completely different purpose on an Arduino ATMega board.
  • Hardware-Neutral: Dx pin numbers are an abstraction: D2 always refers to the second usable digital gpio, regardless of how a particular microcontroller board organizes its pins. This requires that your IDE knows the pin mapping for the particular microcontroller and board you are using, so it can translate the abstract label back to the real hardware pin number at compile time.

Historic Context On GPIO Labels

It may not be entirely up to you whether you can use hardware-neutral pin labels like D4, or raw pin numbers like 2 or GPIO2: some board manufacturers stopped using the Dx- and Ax-notation altogether.

When there are no abstract pin labels defined for a particular microcontroller board, you must use the hardware pin numbers.

How Abstract Pin Labels Started

Older (and less capable) microcontrollers - like early Arduinos - used GPIOs that weren’t general purpose but instead hard-wired, and could be used exclusively in digital or in analog mode.

That’s why historically, the early Arduino boards labeled its GPIOs with Dx (for digital GPIOs) and Ax (for analog GPIOs):

For beginners, this simplified working with GPIOs because it was clear on first sight which pins represented usable GPIOs, and what their capabilities were.

Modern Microcontrollers

With modern microcontrollers, GPIOs truly became general purpose and could now route any pins to ADCs and DACs as needed. Almost any GPIO can now be set to input, outut, digital, and analog mode, and digital interfaces like I2C and SPI aren’t necessarily fixed to dedicated pins anymore, either.

The old pin notation was still often continued to use, i.e. the popular ESP8266 D1 Mini still labels its pins Dx - even though these pins now as well be used as analog inputs:

ESP32 And Hardware Pin Numbers

As microcontrollers became even more capable, some board designers started to dump the abstract Dx- and Ax-labels altogether.

The ESP32 S2 Mini for example uses just hardware pin numbers:

With the appropriate board translation table in your IDE, your code would still be hardware-neutral: since GPIOs were now truly generic, the hardware pin 4 could finally be mapped to the abstract pin label D4.

Yet other board manufacturers started to mix labels: the ESP32 DevKitC V4 uses the old Dx notation for some of its pins (to provide code compatibility) but uses raw numeric hardware pin numbers for the majority of its remaining GPIOs:

This way, users can continue to use simple code examples with their abstract GPIO labels that were written for other microcontroller boards. Here is the mapping for ESP32 DevKitC V4 boards:

Abstract Label GPIO
D0 7
D1 8
D2 9
D3 10


With code examples written by someone else, check how the author has referenced GPIO pins:

  • Numbers/GPIOx: make sure the code was written for the same microcontroller type you are using. You may have to replace the numbers with valid GPIO pin numbers available on your microcontroller type.
  • Dx Labels: make sure your microcontroller board defines these labels. If not, replace them with the hardware pin number of any available GPIO on your microcontroller board.

Your Own Code

If you’re writing code just for yourself, to be used privately in your own devices, then sticking to the hardware pin numbers of your particular microcontroller hardware is easiest and most robust.

Why add complexity and abstract hardware if you don’t need to maintain compatibility with different hardware in the first place?

In fact, some ESP32 boards such as the ESP32 S2 Mini do no yet seem to be fully supported by Arduino IDE/platformio: pin labels like D2 aren’t defined for these boards, and when you use them in your code, you run into compile errors.

If you are planning to publicly share your code, or use it on different microcontroller platforms, abstract GPIO labels are better - provided your microcontroller board has defined them.

GPIO Modes

GPIOs are general purpose, so they can be used in four different ways:

Mode Use Case
Digital Output can source and sink current. This is the most common type to invoke an action, i.e. to turn on an LED, and can be used to send digital information to devices like displays using digital interfaces such as I2C or SPI.
Digital Input differentiates a high (VCC) from a low (GND) signal. This is the most common type used to interface buttons and other digital components, i.e. rotary encoders. It is also used to receive digital data.
Analog Input senses a voltage range, for example the readings from an analog sensor, or a potentiometer. This mode requires the GPIO to internally route to an ADC (Analog-Digital-Converter), and the type of ADC determines the allowable input voltage range and the voltage resolution that the GPIO can distinguish.
Analog Output can provide a variable output voltage, i.e. to produce sounds or modulate wave forms. This mode requires the GPIO to internally route to a DAC (Digital-Analog-Converter). The type of DAC determines the output voltage range and its resolution.

(whether your microcontroller supports all four modes for a given GPIO is a different question.)

Setting Mode

A GPIO can always only work in input or output mode, and this mode must be set in your code.

pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, INPUT);

Digital Output: Blinking LED

Here is a simple example illustrating how a LED connected to GPIO13 can blink. Make sure you add an appropriate current limiting resistor to the LED (i.e. 150 ohms):

void setup() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Set digital pin 13 as an output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn on the LED connected to pin 13
  delay(1000);            // Wait for 1 second
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);  // Turn off the LED
  delay(1000);            // Wait for 1 second

Analog Output

To send analog output to a GPIO, use analogWrite() instead of digitalWrite().

Most GPIOs cannot output analog voltages: this requires the GPIO to be internally routed to a DAC (Digital-Analog-Converter). Some microcontrollers do not even contain a DAC. Analog output capabilities are among the least used and the least commonly supported.

Digital Input: Button Press

Here is an example using a GPIO as an input that can be connected to a momentary switch in order to let a user invoke some action:

void setup() {
  pinMode(4, INPUT); // Set digital pin 4 as an input

void loop() {
  int buttonState = digitalRead(4); // Read the state of the button connected to pin 4
  if (buttonState == HIGH) {
    // Do something when the button is pressed

Analog Input

To read analog input, use analogRead() instead of digitalRead().

Not every GPIO can read analog input (analog voltage ranges): this requires the GPIO to be internally routed to a ADC (Analog-Digital-Converter). Modern microcontrollers support this for almost all GPIOs whereas older microcontrollers provide distinct “analog” GPIOs which are labeled Ax.

void setup() {
  // // No need to set pinMode() for inputs, but you can for clarity
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);

void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Read the value from analog pin A0
  // Do something with the sensor value

Older microcontrollers like ATMega expose dedicated analog input GPIOs (typically labeled Ax on the boards) that do not support any other mode. That’s why for such pins, no pinMode() needs to be set. Any truly general purpose GPIO that supports multiple modes must be explicitly set to either input or output mode using pinMode().

Pull-Up/Pull-Down Resistors

Whenever a GPIO is used as input, the GPIO can have a floating (or random/indetermine) state:

  • Determined State: When you connect a push button to a GPIO, and the user now presses the push button, all is good: the button connects the GPIO to whatever you wired it to, most typically either VCC (high) or GND (low).
  • Indetermined/Floating State: When the user is not pressing the button, the GPIO is not connected to anything, and its state is floating: it can now have a random value, either high or low.

Pulling Up Or Down

The solution is to set the GPIO to a defined state when it is not connected. For this, a high impedance resistor connects the GPIO to either high (VCC) or low (GND), providing it with a default value.

Since the resistor has a high impedance, it can be over-ruled by any other signal, i.e. when the user presses the button and connects the GPIO to VCC or GND directly (without a high-impedance resistor).

  • Pull-Up Resistor: GPIO gets a high value by default. A high-impedance resistor connects the GPIO to VCC so it is high unless you connect it to GND.
  • Pull-Down Resistor: This works the other way around: connects the GPIO to GND via a high-impedance resistor. The GPIO is now low by default. Only when you connect it to VCC will it change to high.

In modern microcontrollers, GPIOs come with built-in pullup- and pulldown-resistors that can be enabled by code. ESP32 microcontrollers for example use internal 45kOhm resistors.

Pull-Up (active low)

This code assumes that the push button is connected to GND. When the push button is not pressed, the GPIO has a defined high state. When the button is pressed, it connects the GPIO to GND and goes low. The high impedance of the pull-up resistor prevents a short-circuit:

void setup() {
  pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set digital pin 4 as an input with internal pull-up resistor

void loop() {
  int buttonState = digitalRead(4); // Read the state of the button
  if (buttonState == LOW) {
    // Do something when the button is pressed

The GPIO is said to be active low: when it is considered to be active (the user is pressing the button), the GPIO is low.

Pull-Down (active high)

If you’d rather like to connect the push button to VCC (positive voltage), you need a pull-down resistor instead that ensures that the GPIO by default is low, and only switches to high when the push button is pressed and connecting the GPIO to VCC:

void setup() {
  pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLDOWN); // Set digital pin 4 as an input with internal pull-down resistor

void loop() {
  int buttonState = digitalRead(4); // Read the state of the button
  if (buttonState == HIGH) {
    // Do something when the button is pressed

External Resistors

Built-in pull-up and pull-down resistors may not be available for every GPIO (visit your microcontroller datasheet). In this case, simply add an external resistor (10-100kOhm) to the GPIO, and connect it to GND (pull-down) or VCC (pull-up).

Source And Sink

When a GPIO operates in digital output mode, it can source and sink current. These terms descibe the direction of current flow.

Sourcing Current (high active)

The most common type is sourcing current: to power a load, the GPIO is set to high, and the load is connected to GND. That is why this circuitry is called high active.

Sinking Current (low active)

A lesser known but flexible alternative is to sink current: to power a load, the GPIO is set to low, and the load is connected to VCC (or any other voltage source). That is why this circuitry is called low active.

In this case, the GPIO acts as GND (when low), and sinks any voltage that you supply to it.

With sinking, you are free to use any voltage supply at hand (provided it shares GND with the microcontroller). For example, you could power a 5V LED directly from the power supply, and connect it to the low active GPIO of a 3.3V ESP32. Even though ESP32 datasheets state otherwise, users all over the world successfully interface ESP32 GPIOs directly with 5V components and use sinking with up to 5V. ESP32 GPIOs seem to be 5V tolerant. Exceeding official datasheet specifications is entirely at your own risk, though.

Sourcing And Sinking

Here is a great example illustrating how flexible sinking can be: a digital output GPIO needs a way for users to know whether the output is on or off. For this, two LED (one green, one red) should light up, depending on GPIO state.

Here is a very simple solution that uses two LED:

  • Sinking (green): the green LED is connected in sinking configuration: when the GPIO is low, it is connected to GND. The other end of the LED is connected to VCC.
  • Sourcing (red): the red LED is connected in sourcing configuration: when the GPIO is high, it provides VCC, and the other end of the LED is connected to GND.

This way, when the GPIO is high, the red LED is on, and when GPIO is low, the green LED is on.

This example works great with 3.3V microcontrollers but may destroy the LED with 5V microcontrollers. Here is why: one LED is always operated in “wrong direction”, and the reverse breakdown voltage for LED typically is around 5V. When this voltage is exceeded, the LED gets damaged irreversibly. For 5V systems, you would need to add a protective diode in parallel to the LED.

Absolute Limits

GPIOs are sensitive and need to be used strictly within their specifications.

  • Current: in output mode, the maximum current for ESP8266 is 12mA, and for ESP32 (depending on GPIO) either 20mA or 40mA. Other microcontrollers may vary, however their maximum current is in the same region. This makes clear that GPIO cannot directly drive high loads like mechanical relais, power LED, or motors. Use a MosFet for this.
  • Voltage: in digital input mode, the maximum input value is VCC. A 3.3V ESP32 GPIO should not be directly connected to a 5V component. Use a level shifter, or at least add a current-limiting resistor. That said, there are sources claiming that ESP32 GPIOs are 5V tolerant, and users around the world connect 5V components directly to ESP32 GPIO without issues.
  • Analog Voltages: with analog input, the maximum voltage depends on the internal ADC. Some board designers add voltage dividers that further influence the maximum analog input voltage. Exceeding this limit almost certainly immediately destroys the ADC.
Board Analog Input Max Voltage
Arduino 5V
ESP8266 1V
ESP32 3.3V
STM32 3.3V
RP2040 3.3V

ESP32 Current Limits

To provide you with some typical values, below are the specs for ESP32 microcontrollers:

GPIO Mode Current
1,5,18,19,21,22,23 Source 40mA
0,2,4,12,13,14,15,25,26,27,32,33 Source 40mA
6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17 Source 20mA
all of above Sink 28mA
  • ESP32 use three power domains internally (that service groups of GPIOs), one of which has a lower sourcing limit than the other two.
  • In early ESP32 documentation, ESP8266 current limits were published (12mA). This value applies to ESP8266 only. ESP32 GPIO can source 20mA and 40mA (depending on GPIO).

The sum of the total I/O current may not exceed 1.200mA. Typically, the voltage regulator on your microcontroller board is a limiting factor that is kicking in much earlier: some types provide just 500mA.


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(content created Aug 03, 2024)