
Self-Learning 4-Channel EV1527-Compliant Receiver With Latch- And Push-button Mode

The RX480-E breakout board is a one-stop solution to add remote control capabilities to devices.

This receiver does not require any additional external components to pick up and interpret control signals sent by a EV1527-compliant remote control.

The breakout board often comes bundled with a ready-to-use remote control.


The receiver needs to be paired with the remote control that you want to use with this receiver.

To enter pairing mode (aka learning mode), press the button on the front side of the receiver.

Once pairing mode is active, the on-board LED is constantly on.

Now press any button on the remote control you want to pair. The receiver LED blinks three times to confirm successful pairing.

From now on, when you press a button on the remote control, the appropriate data out pin will switch to HIGH.

Setting Latch Mode

By default, the receiver is in push button mode: the output pin is HIGH only for as long as the button on the remote control is pressed. Once the button is released, the output pin returns to LOW - just like a push button or momentary switch would behave.

The board can operate in three different latching modes:

  • Push button: the selected channel is on only for as long as the remote control signal is received.
  • Self-Locking: each time the board receives a code, it toggles from on to off and vice versa.
  • Mutual Exclusive: like self-locking, but once a different channel becomes active, the channel falls back to off. In this mode, only one channel is active at any time.

Reset Required

Before you can change the latch mode, you must reset the receiver. If you do not reset the receiver, the latch mode will stay put.

To reset the receiver, press the button eight times. The LED will blink four times to indicate successful reset.

Set Latch Mode

To set a new latch mode, press the button once, twice, or three times:

Mode Key Press
Push Button Mode 1x
Self-Locking Mode 2x
Multually Exclusive Self-Locking 3x

This will set the latch mode and also immediately enter pairing mode: the LED lights up and waits for you to press any key on the remote control you want to pair. Once successfully paired, the LED blinks three times.

Technical Data

Item Value
Voltage 3.3-5V
Frequency 433MHz or 315MHz
Operating Current 5mA
Modulation Mode AM (OOK)
Transmission Rate EV1527
Size 28x12.3x5mm


The board comes with seven pins plus a solder pad for an antenna that is marked as ANT on the back side.

For much better reach, always operate these devices with an antenna. If no designated antenna is at hand, use a plain 17.3cm wire for 433MHz, and a 23.8cm wire for 315MHz.

The pins are labeled on the back of the board:

Pin Tag Description
1 GND negative pole
2 +V +3.3-5V
3 D0 high when received code 1
4 D1 high when received code 2
5 D2 high when received code 3
6 D3 high when received code 4
7 VT high when received any valid code


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(content created Apr 19, 2024)