
Classic ESP32S Microcontroller With 1.14 Inch Color TFT At 135x240 Resolution

The T-Display from Lilygo is the initial version of the T-Display series: an affordable general purpose ESP32S development board, available with 4MB and 16MB of flash memory.

The board (plus display) typically consumes between 90mA and 130mA, with spikes up to 370mA when using WiFi. In deep sleep, the board requires at least 370uA.


The board features a built-in SPI-driven 1.14” TFT color display (135x240 resolution) at high density (260PPI), equipped with a programmable backlight (GPIO4). Since SPI pins are not exposed, you cannot connect additional SPI devices.

There are 8 freely usable digital and analog GPIOs, 4 digital and analog input-only GPIOs, two strapping pin GPIOs, and two I2C GPIOs. At a maximum, you can use 16 GPIOs.

The board comes with two freely programmable push buttons (low active), a JST 1.25mm connector for connecting a LiIon battery on the backside (including charger using the USB-C power supply), and a built-in voltage sensor at GPIO34.

It is available pre-soldered or with unsoldered header pins.

Do not immediately peel off the protective film on the display. Soldering the header pins occurs in close proximity to the display, and there may be drops of flux spilling onto it.


The ESP32S microcontroller is available in a 4MB and a 16MB version. It has no PSRAM. A shell case can be ordered separately, or you can 3D print a shell yourself.

Item Value
Microcontroller ESP32S (Xtensa dual-core LX6)
Memory 4MB or 16MB
UART CH9102, installing driver
Onboard functions two programmable buttons, battery power detection, charger
Display 1.14 Inch TFT
Resolution 135x240
Density High Density 260 PPI
Driver ST7789
Library TFT_eSPI
Charger TP4054
Charging Current 500mA
Size 51.52x25.04x8.54mm
Voltage Regulator AP2112K, >600mA
Support T-Display Github

Determining True Flash Memory

There are T-Display models with just 4MB flash memory, yet most currently sold models come with 16MB. 4MB is simply not enough.

If you’d like to find out how much flash memory your development board really has, navigate to the Adafruit ESPTool in a compatible browser (such as Chrome).

Next, connect your board via USB-C and a USB cable to your PC, then manually switch the board to ROM bootloader mode (hold left push button, press reset button on the side).

Now, click Connect in the upper right side of the website, and select the USB port you connected the board to. The tool returns its technical specs including the real flash size.

You can of course use this tool also to manually upload binary firmware files if you need to: click Choose a file in the top area, then Erase the flash memory and Program it with the file(s) you specified.


This is an awesome board, especially since market prices have dropped below €5. Like most other things, it isn’t perfect though. Here are a few caveats you should keep in mind:

No Built-In LED

The board has a blue LED on its backside corner next to the USB-C connector, however it is wired to the internal charger and cannot be programmed: the blue LED is on when the voltage at the JST 1.25 connector is below 4.2V, else off:

Condition Blue LED Status
no battery connected on
battery connected, charging on
battery connected, not charging off

If you need to run this board in the most power-efficient way, make sure you power it through the JST 1.25 connector.

There is no programmable LED on this board. Testing the board with a simple blink sketch is not possible (unless you are using the display backlight on GPIO4 instead).

No SPI Interface Exposed

The board uses the primary SPI interface internally to connect to the built-in display. The pins are not exposed, so you cannot use it. The secondary SPI interface isn’t fully exposed either (pin 14 is missing), so in a nutshell, you cannot connect external SPI peripherals to this board and are limited to I2C.

Charger and External Battery

The board supports using an external LiIon or LiPo battery via a JST 1.25 plug on its backside. You cannot use LiFePo4 batteries.

Charging Current

The charger is set to a relatively high 500mA charging current. You must ensure that the batteries you connect can sustain this current. Typically, batteries smaller than 1.000mAh require (much) less charging currents and can be damaged otherwise. Even for 1.000mAh, charging with 500mA is considered a stressful quick-charge that shortens its life span.

For portable devices, it may be desireable to re-charge them as quickly as possible.

Voltage Sensor Readings

The built-in voltage sensor reports correct battery voltage only when powering from battery (not charging).

Once you connect USB power, the reported voltage during active charging (with the blue charger LED turned on) is irritating: in the initial constant current charging phase it is 4.20V, and in the concluding constant voltage charging phase, voltage gradually increases to way beyond 4.60V.

These voltage readings do not resemble the true battery terminal voltage. Measuring the battery terminal voltage during charging reveals that the TP4054 charger does an excellent job, and the charging voltage slowly increases initially until it reaches a safe constant voltage of 4.20V.

Low Voltage Tolerance

The usefulness of external batteries is limited by the display: while the ESP32 happily works with as low as 2.6V, the display backlight starts to flicker when voltage drops below 3.2V. The reason behind this needs more investigation, but be prepared that you might not get the entire battery mileage to your board.

As a protective measure, you may want to add logic that switches the ESP32 to deep sleep mode once a certain critical low voltage threshold is met.

Power-Off Capabilities

Once a development board is equipped with an external battery, it needs an off switch - or else it would run until the battery is drained.

For battery operation, you need to add a physical switch to your battery. Deep sleep mode consumes too much power to be usable as power off switch replacement.

High Deep Sleep Power Consumption

This board has a relatively high deep sleep power consumption of *370uA at best.

When sending the board to deep sleep without prior optimization, deep sleep consumption can be as high as 9mA.

To put this consumption into perspective, the ESP32 itself draws just 10uA in deep sleep, and a typical development board consumes 70uA.

At 330uA, a fully-charged 1.000mAh battery would completely drain within four months just from deep sleeping, and at 9mA, the battery would be done within short of 5 days.


The board offers generous 16 GPIOs, however certain restrictions apply:

Count Category GPIOs
8 dedicated, input and output 13,15,17,25-27,32-33
4 dedicated, input only, no pullup/pulldown 36-39
4 caveats, restrictions apply 2,12, 21-22

Eight Prime-Time GPIOs + Four Input-Only

Below are the always-safe GPIOs available on any ESP32S. The board uses two of these for the built-in display, one to measure the battery voltage, and one for the right built-in push button.

The left push button is connected to GPIO0 and is low active: when pressed, it connects to GND. Otherwise, it is pulled up. If you hold this button during power-on, the ROM bootloader is launched (so the button serves as classic boot button). Once your firmware takes control, GPIO0 can be freely used, and when you configure it as input, it will be low when the left button is pressed, otherwise high.

GPIO Modes Exposed? Remark
4 Ain Din Dout no controls display backlight
>13 Ain Din Dout yes available
14 Ain Din Dout no measures battery voltage
>15 Ain Din Dout yes available
16 Din Dout no used for display DC (data/command)
>17 Din Dout yes available
>25 Ain Aout Din Dout yes available
>26 Ain Aout Din Dout yes available
>27 Ain Din Dout yes available
>32 Ain Din Dout yes available
>33 Ain Din Dout yes available
34 Ain Din no  
35 Ain Din not directly, wired to right onboard push button  
36 Ain Din yes input only, no pullup/pulldown
37 Ain Din yes input only, no pullup/pulldown
38 Ain Din yes input only, no pullup/pulldown
39 Ain Din yes input only, no pullup/pulldown

HSPI is not fully exposed anyway and therefore cannot be used - marked GPIOs are free to use for other purposes.
GPIOs marked with > are recommended GPIOs that can serve as input and output and have no caveats or restrictions.

Reserve GPIOs

Additional GPIOs can be used if your code does not require I2C, and/or if you can live with associated restrictions or caveats:

GPIO Modes Caveat
2 Ain Din Dout boot fails if pulled high, strapping pin
12 Ain Din Dout boot fails if pulled high, strapping pin, HSPI
21 Din Dout free to use if I2C is not used
22 Din Dout free to use if I2C is not used

I2C and SPI

The board uses the default ESP32S I2C pins:

Pin Description
21 SDA
22 SCL

VSPI is used for the internal display. HSPI pins are not fully exposed (GPIO14/CLK missing) so HSPI is not meant to be used as a secondary SPI interface:

Function VSPI HSPI
MOSI - 13
MISO - 12
CLK - -
CS - 15

That’s why Lilygo labels these GPIOs as freely usable.

Strapping Pins

Here is a list of the exposed strapping pins that can influence (or impair) the boot process:

GPIO Exposed? Restriction/Caveat
0 hard-wired boot button low to run ROM serial boot loader. Else, run custom code
2 yes Strapping function ignored when not in boot mode. Else, must be low/floating to enter boot loader.
5 used internally for display controls timing of SDIO slave, default is high during boot (rising-edge output). Irrelevant when chip uses normal SPI flash. Used for CS in VSPI.
12 yes sets flash voltage (3.3V by default). If set to high on accident during boot, 3.3V flash receives 1.8V and browns out
15 yes low silences boot messages, irrelevant


You are good to use the GPIOs above as long as you do not use them as inputs, and do not hard-wire them to a given state:

  • GPIO2: must never be hard-wired to high. In your code, you can freely use GPIO2 because your code will not run anyway when boot mode is enabled via the boot button, and GPIO2 only matters in this boot mode and is otherwise ignored.
  • GPIO12: must never be hard-wired to high. In your code, you can freely use GPIO2 because your code will only run after the flash voltage has been set.
  • GPIO15: Freely usable. Whether nor not boot messages are emitted is not interfering with boot.

The only exception to the rule - never use as input - is GPIO0: this GPIO is used as an input (it is wired to the left push button), yet obviously because this button is supposed to influence the boot process: when you hold the button at power-up, the ROM bootloader is loaded.

Once the boot process has completed and your own firmware code runs, you can now safely use this low active button at GPIO0 for your own purposes.

At this point, you can use all of the strapping pins as inputs. You just need to make sure that strapping GPIOs cannot be actively changed before the boot process has completed.


This board comes with a hard-wired 1.14 Inch color TFT display at a resolution of 135x240 and a pixel density of 260 PPI.

It internally uses these six GPIOs that aren’t exposed externally:

GPIO Description
4 Backlight (BL)
5 CS
16 DC
23 Reset (RST)


There are four options to power the board, and the supported voltage range stretches from 2.3-6.0V, depending on the input you use.

Source Voltage Range Remarks
USB-C 3.8-6.0V 5V input passes the internal AP2112K voltage regulator which delivers 3.3V to the board
5V pin 3.8-6.0V same as USB input
3.3V pin 2.3-3.6V input power bypasses the voltage regulator and is directly supplied to the board and chip. The input voltage must be in the range of 2.3-3.6V for the CPU (but may need to be closer to 3.3V for the display). If the voltage exceeds 3.6V, the CPU is lost: you must protect your board from even the slightest over-voltage spikes when using the 3.3V input pin. It can be powered directly off LiFePo4 batteries, but never LiIon batteries. The latter always require a voltage regulator or other means of capping over-voltage. Supplying power via 3.3V pin is improving overall efficiency and minimizing power consumption, but it carries the inherent risk of permanently damaging the board.
LiIon 3.7-4.2V All T-Display boards feature a LiIon battery connector (located on the back). When not connected to any other power source, LiIon battery input is processed by the same AP2112K voltage regulator that converts the USB input voltage to 3.3V. When connected to a 5V power source like USB, the integrated charger (TP4054) recharges a connected LiIon battery with 500mA.

Onboard Buttons

The board comes with two large push buttons on the top, and a smaller button on the side. The smaller button is the Reset button.

The two larger buttons can be programmed:

GPIO Button Remark
0 left low active, pulled up. When pressed during boot, the ROM bootloader launches. Once your firmware runs, low when button is pressed, else high
35 right low active as well


The board comes with a preloaded default firmware which makes it simple to test-drive it. When you power on the board, the display shows a TTGO logo, followed by some full color screens.

You then find yourself in a menu: pressing the left push button starts a WiFi Scan, while pressing the right button either shows the battery voltage (if an external LiIon battery is connected), or switches right away into deep-sleep mode.

The board can be programmed by using the typical development environments (ArduinoIDE or platformio), or by using ESPHome.


Schematics (PNG), Schematics (PDF)
ST7789V Video Controller
AP2112 Voltage Regulator
TP4054 LiIon Charger
3D Printable Shell

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(content created Sep 29, 2024 - last updated Oct 05, 2024)