XY-C15H (20W)

8-24V 20W Stereo Amplifier With Bluetooth 5.0 And Chinese-Made Amplifier

This small breakout board combines Bluetooth reception with a digital 20W stereo amplifier and can be used to power a bluetooth sound box.

The board comes with a pre-soldered rotary encoder:

  • Volume: turn the rotary encoder to the left or right to adjust the output volume.
  • Play/Pause: short-press the encoder knob
  • On/Off: long-press the encoder knob

Technical Data

Item Description
Power Supply 9-24V
Speaker Impedance 4-16 Ohm
Amplifier 2x20W
Chip AP3016D
Audio Input via Bluetooth and auxiliary 3.5mm cinch connector
Audio Output 2x speaker terminals, 3.5mm cinch headphone jack
Bluetooth Distance <15 Meter
Chip AC23C0 from JL (Zuhai Jie Li)
Size 47x67x18mm

When using 4Ohm speakers, input voltage must not exceed 12V.


This board uses the Chinese AP3016D amplifier chip. As often with these chips, no datasheet is available.

Typically, cloned amplifiers rebuild the features of well-known amplifier chips, i.e. TPA31110 from Texas Instruments.

Power Supply

Due to its amplifier power, the board cannot be directly powered by USB. It requires a voltage in the range of 9-24V (for 4Ohm speakers 9-12V).

Make sure your power supply is capable of driving the board. It should at least be able to provide 6A.


Two speakers can be connected to screw terminals.

Due to the relatively high amplifier output, make sure you connect speakers capable of delivering the audio, or keep the volume low.

The screw terminals are labeled on the backside:

Bluetooth Connectivity

After power on, the board is in bluetooth pairing mode and visible for bluetooth devices such as your smartphone.

There is no pairing code or button press required for pairing. Once paired, the paired device can play music through the amplifier.

All Bluetooth functionality is provided by a AC… chip manufactured by Zuhai Jie Li. This company produces cheap chips for a wide variety of consumer products.

Heat Sink

The board comes with no heat sinks. For extended operation at high volume levels, a heat sink may be required on the back side of the board. There is a designated silver-colored area on the back, close to the amplifier chip. This is where to place the heat sink.


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(content created Apr 21, 2024)