Writing Own Firmware

Programming New Firmware Requires Just Mild Programming Skills Thanks To Great IDEs and Libraries

One of the most flexible and powerful ways is to write the firmware for your microcontroller yourself.

This way, you can access all microcontroller features, and tailor the firmware exactly to your needs. You can also skip any functionality you do not need, and optimize your code in regards to speed, energy consumption, or user interaction. You are in full control.

You do need to program yourself, though. That’s the downside. But thanks to excellent IDEs, awesome software libraries, and a wealth of example code, that’s not so hard after all.

Creating Own Firmware

Firmware is written in the programming language C++ which is considered to be difficult to program. However that is not true when it comes to programming microcontroller firmware. Here is why:


With IDEs like Arduino IDE and platformio, you are not really programming a firmware all on your own in pure C++. Instead, you are assisted by Frameworks that take care of most of the difficult technical aspects so you and your code can focus on the genuine things you want your code to do.

Frameworks Simplify C++

Thanks to Frameworks, you don’t need to code the hardware directly. Instead, the Framework provides you with simple-to-use commands that internally take care of the difficult things.

If you for example wanted to turn on or off the built-in LED on your development board, you do not have to code complex bitwise register shifts, and in fact you do not even need to know the exact pin number the internal LED is attached to:

digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

The code uses one of the frameworks generic methods to control a GPIO pin. It uses one of the framework predefined constants to access exactly the pin that controls the internal LED on your particular board.

Hard C++ Programming Without A Framework

Without the help of a Framework, you would have to use hardware-specific code like this to turn the LED on:

DDRB |= _BV(DDB5);  // Set the corresponding bit in the DDR register to 1 to set Pin 13 to output mode
PORTB |= _BV(PB5);  // Set pin 13 high using bitwise OR with the bitmask for pin 13

Obviously, such code is beyond the scope of hobbyists, and worse yet, the code would only work on an Atmel AVR microcontroller (i.e. one of the original Arduinos), and only when the internal LED is connected to Pin 13. On i.e. ESP32 microcontrollers, the code would look completely different:

REG_WRITE(GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS_REG, 1 << 2); // Set bit 2 in GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS_REG to enable output mode
REG_WRITE(GPIO_OUT_REG, REG_READ(GPIO_OUT_REG) | (1 << 2)); // // Set bit 2 in GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG to turn on the LED

Thanks to Frameworks, code is simple to understand and hardware neutral. This allows the community to create code that targets a wide variety of microcontrollers and enables you to use code examples that originally might have been written for a completely different microcontroller.

The code comparison lets you appreciate why it was such a game changer when Arduino IDE introduced the Arduino Framework in the early 2000s: suddenly, even hobbyists and non-programmers were able create firmware for microcontrollers.

Arduino Framework

Arduino Framework is the most popular Framework for hobbyists:

  • Examples: Since it has been around the longest time, there are the most examples available.
  • Hardware Neutral: It targets a wide variety of microcontrollers and is not limited to a particular vendor
  • Simple to use: Its abstraction level is high. It provides a very easy coding environment.

Adding Platform Support

Out of the box, Arduino IDE comes with support for Arduino boards (and its clones) only, but it takes just a few clicks to add Platform Support for almost any other microcontroller:

ESP8266 and ESP32

To add support for ESP32 and/or ESP8266 microprocessors, add the appropriate board managers like so:

  1. Choose File/Preferences. In the text box Additional Boards Manager URLs, add this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/gh-pages/package_esp32_index.json, http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json, then click *OK.

  1. Go to Tools/Board/Boards Manager. In the search box at the top of the dialog window, enter ESP32. In the results list, choose ESP32 by Espressif, and click Install. A 260MB download starts and can take a few minutes.

  1. To add support for ESP8266, enter ESP8266 into the textbox. In the results list, choose ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community, and click Install. Once the new board managers are installed, click Close.

When you now open Tools/Board, there are two new submenus: ESP32 Arduino and ESP8266 Boards.

To add support for additional microcontroller families, follow the same scheme.


To add support for ATtiny microcontrollers, add the additional board manager url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleemanj/optiboot/master/dists/package_gogo_diy_attiny_index.json (use commas to separate more than one url in the textbox).

Next, go to Tools/Board/Boards Manager once more, and search for attiny. Click Install.

Once this board manager is installed, you find another new submenu named DIY ATtiny.

How Platform Packages and Arduinos “Board Manager” Really Work

Arduino Framework was originally developed for the Arduino IDE, and it is still the only framework that can be used in Arduino IDE. The framework itself is separate, though, and also used by other IDEs like platformio.

Arduino Core - Platform Packages

When Arduino IDE surfaced many years ago, it was targeting only Atmel microcontrollers:the microcontrollers used on Arduino boards.

Atmel microcontrollers are 8-bit, and soon enough the market demanded faster and better microcontrollers.

To meet this need, Arduino decided to separate its IDE from the platform support for specific microcontrollers. ArduinoFramework was the name of this new abstraction layer.

Arduino Framework uses a hardware neutral template called ArduinoCore-API: it defines the API (all the required commands), constants, and tool chain needed to work with any microcontroller, however without adding any specific implementation.

ArduinoCore-avr was the first Platform Package derived from this template and contained all the hardware specific implementations to make the API work on AVR microcontrollers.

ArduinoCore-samd added support for Atmel SAMD21 on boards like Arduino/Genuino Zero, MKR1000, and MKRZero.

Starting with version 1.6.4, Arduino IDE officially began to support platform packages from any third party which was welcomed by users and companies likewise:

  • ArduinoEsp8266: The community quickly added support for the extremely popular, cheap, and powerful ESP8266 microcontroller (manufactured by the Chinese company Espressif).
  • arduino-esp32: Espressif officially started to support their excellent line of ESP32 microcontrollers on Arduino IDE.

All Platform Packages that you add through Arduinos Board Manager are stored here: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages.

ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework)

ESP-IDF is a framework created by the Chinese company Espressif to specifically target its line of ESP32 microcontrollers.

Why Different Frameworks?

The more you abstract things, the easier they get, and ease of use is one of the highest priorities in the Arduino ecosystem. On the downside, the more you abstract, the more control you give up.

Arduino Framework is based on its ArduinoCore-API platform template, and all Platform Packages must derive from it. That’s a great idea because it ensures maximum compatibility across different microcontroller platforms. But it is also limiting if you are a highly innovative Chinese manufacturer who keeps adding awesome features by the month.

That’s why Espressif decided to take its Platform support in own hands: Its framework ESP-IDF does not rely on Arduinos update cycles or template restrictions. It always provides the best and most specific platform support with the latest and greatest features and microcontrollers found in the ESP32 ecosystem. You get much more options at the expense of giving up compatibiity to other microcontrollers.

To still support all Arduino IDE users and maintain compatibility with the vast number of code examples written in Arduino Framework, Espressif also maintains an Arduino Platform Package called arduino-esp32. Internally, it is based on ESP-IDF.

Arduino Core Lags Behind

This added hardware abstraction layer that you get with arduino-esp32 inside the Arduino Framework takes time to maintain. Whenever ESP-IDF changes, arduino-esp32 takes half a year or so until it catches up.

The latest Espressif Framework is ESP-IDF v5. It introduced a great number of exciting new features, including supports for the latest Espressif microcontrollers (like the C6 and H2).

As of this writing, the current arduino-esp32 v2 release is still based on ESP-IDF v4. It still misses out on new features that already landed in the ESP-IDF Framework.

Even though the Arduino Platform Package always lags behind a bit, it is just a matter of time until it eventually catches up. arduino-esp32 v3 is based on the latest ESP-IDF v5.1 Framework. This new Arduino Platform Package is already in release candidate status and will soon be released.

Comparing Frameworks

Both Arduino Framework and ESP-IDF come with extensive libraries full of methods (commands) that help you keep your code simple, and focus on your genuine goals.

Obviously, ESP-IDF is only an option if you target ESP32 microcontrollers. If you want to program a different microcontroller family, or if you want to share your code with a maximum audience, then Arduino Framework is for you. The same is true if you must use Arduino IDE: it only supports its own Arduino Framework.

But even if you do target ESP32 microcontrollers and are using a modern IDE like platformio that lets you choose the Framework, you should still carefully consider the pros and cons:

  • Simplicity: the Arduino Framework prioritizes ease of use, and its implementation of the C++ programming language feels easier to many users.
  • ESP32 Examples: if you are interested in the latest and greatest features in the ESP32 ecosystem, then you need good example code. Often, Espressif tutorials and examples are your only source, and they all use their own ESP-IDF framework.

Language Differences

Because of their different API, code is not compatible between Frameworks. They all use C++, but each Framework has its own set of commands. To highlight some of the differences, let’s take a look at the infamous blink sketch that lets an LED blink.

Arduino IDE

This is the code written in Arduino Framework:

void setup()
  // initialize LED digital pin as an output.
void loop()
  // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  // wait for a second
  // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
   // wait for a second

The two methods setup() and loop() must always be present. They are used to easily organize the code: setup() gets executed once and can i.e. initialize things, for example open the serial connection. loop() runs endlessly to perform the actual job.


Here is same functionality written in Espressif framework:

/* Set the GPIO as a push/pull output */
gpio_set_direction(BLINK_GPIO, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
while(1) {
    /* Blink off (output low) */
    printf("Turning off the LED\n");
    gpio_set_level(BLINK_GPIO, 0);
    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
    /* Blink on (output high) */
    printf("Turning on the LED\n");
    gpio_set_level(BLINK_GPIO, 1);
    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

The code logic is identical. Both frameworks abstract the GPIO access, however they are using different methods (commands) for it.

But there are additional differences: ESP-IDF does not use predefined functions like setup() and loop(). The code simply uses an endless while loop.

Uploading Firmware With Arduino IDE

Let’s step through the process of uploading the famous blink sketch to a microcontroller and make its internal LED blink:

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(500);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(500);                       // wait for a second

Launch Arduino IDE and choose File/New to open a new sketch window. Paste the sketch code from above into this window.

You can also choose File/Example/01.Basic/Blink to create the blink sketch. One of the strengths of Arduino IDE is its ease of use: the menu Examples provides numerous code examples that can easily be loaded into a sketch window.

Defining Target Board

Now tell Arduino IDE the name of the target board:

  • Arduino Board: If you are using an original Arduino microcontroller board (or a clone), go to Tools/Board/Arduino AVR Boards, and choose the name of the board you are using (i.e. Arduino Nano). Arduino Uno WiFi and Arduino Every can be found in the menu Arduino megaAVR Boards.
  • ESP32: If you’d like to target a ESP32 board, choose Tools/Board/Arduino AVR Boards/ESP32 Arduino, then choose the ESP32 board you are using, i.e. Lolin S2 Mini. If thie menu item ESP32 Arduino is missing, read below how to add non-Arduino boards to the menu.

To test these settings, choose Sketch/Verify/Compile (or press CTRL+R) and see whether the sketch compiles without errors.

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(content created May 14, 2024 - last updated May 26, 2024)